Monday, 4 July 2011

Seeing The Best Friend tonight!

As such, don't have as much time as I'd like for trying to steam ahead and finish this picture tonight, so it should be done by tomorrow instead! As such, I'll show you what I've got done so far instead!

(I've reduced the size of this one, though I'm working on it at 2560x1440)

It's a fantasy landscape which will eventually have a selection of characters on it~ I've been trying to get back into doing large images for a while now, and I think I've broken through the artists block on that front!

On a side note, I've been chatting to people in forums about keeping up with daily art blogs and challenges, and it's reassuring to be given support and know that other people are doing similar projects to this, and rather amazing to see the progress other people have made in the process!

That's all for today, I'm off to a BBQ followed by sitting in McDonalds for hours, only ordering coffee!

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