Sunday 19 June 2011

Ah Ahm IronMahn

Felt like I needed to get some practice in drawing hands and feet so spent most of the day swatting up on it. Did loads of doodles but this is the only one I finished off to a decent degree. I'm rather tempted to do a drawing-extremities tutorial, but if you have a quick look online you'll be inundated with guides about this subject matter and I fear I wouldn't be able to add much.

Also, something I've been putting off for ages! Well, not actively putting off, more completely forgot about while busy with my third year project then continued to be at the back of my mind for the last few months... oops. Anyway, a while ago, my sister's-now-roommate asked me to design a tattoo for him, I kindly obliged and my work till recently on the matter included:
And that's where I finished 3 months ago (Yikes! A long time to forget about a design ><) Click to full view any of the above images~ But aye, as you can see a general idea was set on early on, though many small changes were made from that original view, so I spent this evening mainly working on trying to finalize a few pieces for this tattoo piece, and below are the results!
If this gets decided on as the finalized pose and outfit, there will still be touching up and the like to do on it so expect to see this piece again!

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